July 26, 2014

Birthday Cake!!

So yesterday was my birthday...

I can officially call myself a teenager and 4 years from now an adult (weird!). This year for my birthday it was a little different and by different I mean this awesome birthday cake. It was literally the most amazing cake I've ever seen in all my decade and then some years...

So this is the  Eleanor & Park cake! This is one of my all time favourite books and I was surprised that the baker managed to get the cover on this ( Ignore the fail that is the one "number 1" candle and 4 extra purple candles on the side).


July 16, 2014

Ripley's Aquarium Adventure

Yesterday was probably one of the most educational, astonishing and summer-boredom buster day I'v ever experienced.

 Since I've spent a total of 18 days of my summer so far living in my couch, my sister and I took it upon ourselves to change this daily routine and set out on a downtown adventure... to the Ripley's aquarium.

At the aquarium everything in the sea was fully exposed. There are so many creatures that dwell just at the bottom of the ocean and at Ripley's they gave you the full exclusive outlook on sea life at its best. I can't lie. We got there at a time (5pm to 6pm) when most of the fishes and sea creatures were taking their afternoon nap...But, we were lucky to catch some of  sharks, yellow-tail snappers and jellyfish .etc  in action. We got to touch a crab, a shark fish and a stingray! and all of it took about an 1 and a half to plow through children (there was a lot!) and fully absorb
it all thoroughly. It was a very fun trip and I would definitely go again.

Maybe in the night next time...

The following are some photos I took of the trip. I wish I remembered the names of the all the animals so I could caption them but I completely forgot.

Moon Jellyfish!

Spotted Stingray

 It's poisonous...


Dory and Friend!


Can you spot Dory?

Sleeping Lobster

These eels were sleeping... 
Blue Lobster!

A huge family of fish